How To Find A Monetary Value For Pain and Suffering
Serious accidents can cause physical pain and excruciating costs over a long period of time. If you have a serious accident and suffer personal injury, you are entitled to compensation to cover these costs. The non-economic damage you have suffered, such as B. emotional distress, are harder to quantify and need to be assessed separately. You can work with a trusted personal injury attorney to help you reach a settlement for your pain and suffering.
What is the monetary value of your pain and suffering?
When you are going through pain and suffering, that damage cannot be summed up by standard charges like medical bills. Lawyers use a multiplier to estimate the compensation you will earn for this non-economic damage.
What is Pain and Suffering?
Instead of purely physical injuries, pain and suffering also include emotional injuries. The discomfort you’ve experienced is just as serious as the long-term effects of physical wounds or bruises. Some examples of pain and suffering can include emotional agony, mental pain, emotional distress, depression, anxiety, humiliation, shock, PTSD, and more. Physical pain can be any type of discomfort, pain, agony, and illness.
What is a pain and suffering multiplier?
Insurance companies often use the compensation multiplier method to calculate how much compensation you could be entitled to. The technique is used to add the cost of general and special damage, and then multiply that by a number between 1.5 and 5. Sometimes the multiplier can be up to 6 or 7 depending on the gravity of the breach and the negligence of the other party. Your attorney will help you make an estimate based on this multiplier and submit it to the other party’s insurance company to negotiate a settlement. This will help you get adequate compensation after an accident.
What increases the billing amount?
There are several reasons why the multiplier can be increased. For example, if the other driver is completely at fault due to his negligence or willful damage caused, this can increase the amount. Also, if the disability is permanent, you owe more. Even if it is a partial disability, a longer recovery period affects the multiplier. Having enough evidence showing all of the pain and suffering you have endured can add to the multiplier as well.
Evidence to support your claim to the proposed monetary value
If you want the full amount of compensation, you must provide evidence of all the damage suffered. You’ll need pictures of your injuries, medical bills, and lost wages and other expenses that you’ve been charged with. Witnesses who were present at your accident can also be helpful. You can ask your doctor to write letters describing your injuries as this can serve as additional evidence.
If you have suffered a loss of wages, you should include this in your statement. All of this information serves as evidence of your case. Your personal injury attorney can link these specific damages to your general damages and point out how all of these expenses caused you pain and suffering.
Learn more about Su pain and suffering assessment
The monetary value of your pain and suffering may be somewhat vague. However, with the help of an experienced injury attorney, they can help establish an accurate settlement amount.