What are the Types of Personal Injury Cases? | The Angell Law Firm, LLC

More than once in our life we ​​will find ourselves in undesirable situations.

Often it is our own decisions.

However, sometimes we find ourselves in unhappy situations because of someone else’s actions.

If you were recently injured as a result of someone else’s negligent decisions or willful intent, chances are you have a case of personal injury to your hands.

Many personal injury cases are never brought to justice. In fact, 97 percent of cases are settled out of court.

There are several types of personal injury that will give you legitimate reasons for compensation.

However, no two cases of personal injury will ever be the same.

There will always be different factors depending on the event and the people involved.

What all personal injury cases have in common, however, is that you must hire a personal injury attorney in order to receive financial compensation for your damages and injuries.

We will discuss this in the following article most common types of personal injury to see if they apply to you.

Motorcycle accident

One of the most common types of personal injury is vehicle accidents.

Unfortunately, millions of people are injured, sometimes fatally, in motor vehicle accidents every year.

On average, there are 6 million car accidents in the US each year. That’s about 16,438 a day.

If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident as a result of the negligence of someone other than the driver, passenger or pedestrian, you are entitled to financial compensation for your personal injury and other losses.

Experienced car and truck accident lawyers protect your rights throughout the legal process and bring you the money you make.

Medical malpractice

Medical misconduct claims arise from medical professionals who neglect their duty to treat the condition of each patient to the best of their ability.

This leads to injuries.

Every doctor owes this duty to all of his patients.

This duty is set out in detail in the Hippocratic oath.

If a doctor neglects this duty, if he is reckless or grossly negligent in treating a patient who is causing an injury, it can leave him or her vulnerable to a suit for medical misconduct.

Unjust death

The term “wrongful death” refers to a type of lawsuit brought against someone who killed someone because of their negligence.

Many unlawful death lawsuits due to auto and truck accidents.

False death lawsuits can also arise from neglect of care homes, medical malpractice, construction accidents, industrial accidents, airplane accidents, or the use of a defective or dangerous product.

False death lawsuits allow the deceased’s family to seek damages similar to those of the deceased if they had survived the injury.

Slip and Fall Cases

Slip and fall injuries are some of the most common types of personal injury.

Property owners and landlords are required by law to keep their premises reasonably safe and free from danger so that people on the property are not injured.

Numerous dangerous conditions such as torn carpets, floor changes, poor lighting, narrow stairs, or wet floors can cause someone to slip and be injured.

The same rules apply if you stumble on a broken or cracked public sidewalk, or if you fall down a flight of stairs.

Slips and falls can even occur if you slide or fall due to rain, ice, snow, or hidden hazards like an outdoor pothole.

Either way, you will have to sustain some injury or injury to qualify for compensation.

Work accident

Personal injury often occurs in the workplace.

Personal injury at work may include trips and falls, hazardous work environment lawsuits, hazardous materials lawsuits, and more.

Typically, if you are injured while working for your employer, you are not allowed to bring personal injury lawsuits against your employer.

Instead, you need to file a compensation claim from an employee to receive compensation.

Compensation for your accident at work can include medical treatment, loss of wages or a lump sum, also known as permanent partial disability.

Workers’ Compensation Acts vary from state to state and have many potential obstacles and pitfalls.

A skilled personal injury attorney can guide you through the process and make sure your rights are protected.

Product liability / product defects

If you buy a product and use it for its intended purpose, it should never cause harm.

However, if you suffer injury as a result of a malfunction or a defect in a product, you can prosecute a personal injury case against the manufacturer.

Manufacturers pack their products with documents explaining the safe use of the product and the importance of the business, not to avoid unnecessary litigation.

If you are injured as a result of a defective product, contact a legal professional to determine if you have cause for a personal injury lawsuit.


Defamation in the form of defamation or defamation refers to a violation of your reputation.

False statements cause this injury.

So what you need to prove in a defamation lawsuit depends on the plaintiff and where the statement was made.

Most people have to prove that the untrue negative statement was made.

You will also need to demonstrate that this will result in an actual financial loss.

Premise liability

Premise liability are accidents with personal injury caused by a dangerous or faulty state on a person’s land.

As a result, these can appear almost anywhere from commercial properties like grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, and retail stores to your neighbor’s house or a public swimming pool.

Countless faulty or dangerous conditions can lead to liability claims.

Everything from falling down a flight of stairs due to a missing handrail, tripping over an obstacle to slipping on a buried sidewalk or aisle, can be subject to premise liability.

You must document the dangerous or faulty condition as soon as possible after the accident.

Your personal injury attorney will help you document the accident and protect your rights throughout the legal process.

The dog bites

Although laws vary from state to state, dog owners are almost always financially responsible for bites and other injuries caused by their dog.

In some cases there are strict liability rules.

This means that the dog owner is liable for dog bites and any resulting damage, even if the dog has never shown aggression in the past.

Other states have the “one bite” rule.

According to the one-bite rule, owners are only liable for personal injury.

You are responsible if there is a reason for you to know that your dog is aggressive or prone to biting.