TorHoerman Law Attorney Chad Finley Appointed to Leadership Position in Paraquat MDL
Chad Finley, TorHoerman Law
“I am really honored to be selected for the PEC. I come from a farming family and a rural community and this lawsuit is about accountability for Syngenta and Chevron. I am fortunate to have this opportunity to have the voice of the.” To be people I’m proud of. ” represented. “
July 13, 2021
Chad Finley of TorHoerman Law has been named a member of the plaintiff’s Executive Committee (PEC) in Paraquat Products Liability Liability Litigation (MDL No. 3004), filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois.
After a large number of applications accumulated, 80 applicants were submitted for on-camera review. Of those selected, the court conducted zoom interviews with 41 of the applicants. In addition, the court took into account the written and oral statements of the applicants in the decision. The court was particularly interested in appointing a small, diverse, integrative and experienced leadership group that would be fully committed to the efficient and cost-effective enforcement of legal claims.
The inter-district litigation has been consolidated in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois. The decision was made taking into account the fact that Illinois is one of the top five states to use paraquat and that paraquat lawsuits have been brought before the Illinois State Court for years. Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel will lead all twenty cases filed in the county and will oversee the progress of the litigation. The Co-Lead Counsel appointed in this case are Khaldoun A. Baghdadi, Sarah Shoemake Doles and Peter Flowers. You are responsible for coordinating the plaintiffs’ activities during the preliminary investigation.
The plaintiff’s executive committee will conduct and coordinate the investigation phase of this litigation with defense officials. The PEC is tasked with forming additional committees and sub-committees in order to carry out its duties efficiently, to appoint members thereof and to delegate duties for the common charity work to selected lawyers (including non-members of the PEC) if this is for the common benefit of the. required is plaintiff. The PEC orders take a year. If necessary, the representatives can reapply for the position after their term of office has expired on July 7, 2022.
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