Maricopa County Attorney Leaves Hospital, but Return to Work Unclear


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A quick message from the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office said Allister Adel was home from the hospital but gave no indication of when she might be back to work.

After an earlier fall at home, Adel suffered from cerebral hemorrhage on election day and was taken to hospital for emergency surgery. She has not performed publicly since then, but the statements attributed to her were released earlier this month, suggesting that she is doing better.

Today, Vice Chairman Ken Vick and Office Chief of Staff Candice Copple released the following statement: “Allister is now home from the hospital and remains focused on her recovery. She has signed her oath of office and looks forward to serving as the county Lawyer. She is very grateful for everyone’s good wishes and looks forward to seeing you all in the New Year. “

No further information about her condition was available.

Adel, 44, is married with two school-age children. As a prosecutor and Republican, she won a close race against Democrat Julie Gunnigle last month to serve as the district’s attorney general. Adel was appointed to that office in October 2019 following the resignation of Bill Montgomery, who now serves as Arizona, in Justice of the Supreme Court.

Adel’s election campaign announced on election night that she had been taken to hospital for emergency surgery because of a brain hemorrhage. Gunnigle was in the lead that night after the first round of votes was counted. But when Adel recovered from her surgery and more ballots were being counted, she took the lead and retained her seat as head of one of the largest district attorneys in the country.

On December 4, the office released a statement from Adel thanking the staff at Barrow’s Neurological Institute in Phoenix but not saying when she might be able to return to work.

“I feel stronger every day, and although I know recovery from a brain injury is a slow and steady process,” she said. “I look forward to working with my medical team to ensure a safe and complete recovery.”

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Ray Stern has been a newspaper reporter in Arizona for more than two decades. He has received numerous awards for reporting, including the Arizona Press Club’s Don Bolles Award for investigative journalism.