Legal-Bay Lawsuit Funding Enters Attorney Funding Market with Law Firm Loans Up to $25MM
THE ANGEL, August 11, 2021 / PRNewswire / – Legal-Bay, The Pre Settlement Lawsuit Funding Company, announced today that it is now supporting a large number of attorneys with their funding needs. The leading litigation finance company is currently working with attorneys and law firms to re-focus on cash flow needs that may have arisen due to Covid-19 closings and a severely slowed court system.
Chris Janish, CEO of Legal-Bay, commented, “We have raised ample capital to help our many law firms have slowed due to Covid-19 funding products.”
If you are a solicitor or law firm in need of an instant cash advance and interested in discussing how law firm loans can help you, please visit Legal-Bay HERE or call toll free at 877.571.0405.
When it comes to case cost funding, expert funding, litigation costs, or medical procedure / surgical funding for a client, attorney loans are invaluable for attorneys and medical providers. Many law firms have left big cases behind because they couldn’t match funding for personal injury clients who don’t have insurance. Also, smaller firms sometimes need to bring in additional legal counsel for larger cases because they cannot finance things like expert fees, excessive litigation costs, or general litigation costs that are necessary to properly pursue a legitimate claim.
In addition, operation centers are now more reluctant to carry out personal injuries based on liens or letters of protection (LOP) because they also have cash due to Covid. Now law firms can turn to Legal-Bay to fund the surgery by paying the doctor up front. This greatly improves the case value for the client and the medical care provider is more than willing to partner with the law firm. Legal-Bay can structure large and small transactions, depending on the nature of the individual transactions, mostly without recourse.
Legal-Bay has helped lawyers in new York, New Jersey, Florida, Pennsylvania, California, Texas, and Ohio, but they work with attorneys from every state, even outside of NY, NJ, FL, PA, CA, TX, and OH. Have them instantly raise capital to scale your operations with credit lines of up to $ 25 million. They are leaders in the industry with access to large capital portfolio companies. They offer the fastest approvals with less underwriting than traditional banks, and the interest / usage fees have simple terms between 12% and 40% per year, with no upfront fees or hidden costs built into the contracts. You can customize transactions and repayments to keep your cash flow strong. Legal-Bay’s goal is to work tirelessly to provide your business with the capital it needs.
If you are a lawyer or law firm in need of an instant lawyer loan or attorney loan please visit Legal-Bay HERE or call toll free at 877.571.0405.
Note that there are a few important requirements to be eligible for funding:
1. Diversified portfolio of personal injury and / or other contingency fee cases
2. A track record of comparative and / or trial victories
3. Consistent cash flow and profit every year
4. Reputable principals within the company with a history of integrity
Legal-Bay offers fast legal loans for your law firm and your clients in need. Your employees are trained to make things as efficient as possible for your team. You want to be a resource that will help your customers reach a fair deal while not flooding your business with unnecessary document requests. Legal Bay Lawyer Loans offer the lowest interest rates in the industry, so no funding liens stand in the way of settling your client’s case … and most importantly, putting more money in your pocket!
If you are a lawyer or law firm in need of an instant cash advance to finance tuition fees, expert funding, or surgery funding please visit Legal-Bay HERE or call toll-free number 877.571.0405.
Legal-Bay remains vigilant when it comes to helping its clients with their professional and personal needs. All customers who need cash now can apply for funding to help them weather their financial crisis. Legal-Bay funds all types of law firm loan including personal injury financing, lawyer credit lines, lawyer fee acceleration, attorney fee advance, case expense credit lines, case expense finance, case expense disbursement finance, and much more.
Legal-Bay works directly with many top law firms to offer the best cash advance rates in the industry in just 24 to 48 hours. You can help obtain the required law firm loans in the following situations:
- Portfolio Loans
- Financing of litigation costs, litigation cost loans, case cost financing or credit lines
- Law firm loan, law firm portfolio loan, law firm portfolio financing
- Lawyer financing, lawyer financing, law firm financing, law firm advance
- Law firm advance payment without recourse, law firm financing
- Advance finance or follow-up finance for lawyers
- Factoring legal claims
- Appeal Funding, Appeal Funding
- Appeal Loan Judgment, Appeal Funding Judgment
- Judgment Loans, Judgment Financing
- Trade Dispute Loans, Trade Litigation Financing, Trade Dispute Advances, Trade Dispute Loans, Trade Litigation Advances, Trade Litigation Loans, Trade Dispute Financing, Trade Loans, Trade Advances, Trade Financing
- Whistleblower loan, whistleblower advance, whistleblower funding
- Qui-Tam Loans, Qui-Tam Financing, Qui-Tam Advance
- Patent Infringement Financing, Copyright Infringement Loans
Legal-Bay’s law firm funding programs are designed to provide instant cash to attorneys who need up-front capital to meet their firm’s financial needs. To apply immediately, please visit the company’s website HERE or call the toll-free number 877.571.0405 where agents are available to answer any questions.
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