Benjamin Crump, the attorney representing George Floyd’s family, visits Corpus Christi

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – Civil rights activist and attorney Benjamin Crump, who has represented the families of several high-profile police violence victims including Michael Brown and George Floyd, was at Corpus Christi Wednesday.

Leading the Corpus Christi Bar Association’s annual Law Day Reception, Crump said his message was to encourage people to create a better world for our children than the one we inherited.

“I know we can make a better America,” he said. “We can create a fairer America if we just work together.”

For him, his work with the families of black bullet victims such as Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery and Floyd is a step in this direction.

Wednesday also saw new developments in the case of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of Floyd’s murder in April.

However, a ruling by Judge Peter Cahill identifying aggravating factors in Floyd’s death could mean a longer sentence for Chauvin.

Cahill noted that Chauvin had abused his authority as a police officer in withholding Floyd during the arrest that resulted in his death last year, noting that Chauvin treated Floyd with “particular cruelty”.

Crump also said that as Americans we have a lot more to do, but that the goal is one that can be achieved.

“We need to be able to listen to those who are voiceless from their pain,” he said.