5 Reasons Why You Need an Attorney for Your Workers’ Compensation Injury • Tamarac Talk
Adam Baron’s law offices are located on University Plaza in Coral Springs.
From Adam Baron
If you’ve been injured at work and have been considering hiring a lawyer, there are five reasons why someone like me should represent you:
1. Contact the adjuster
If you’ve ever tried getting a grip on your adjuster, when you needed something or had a question about your case, They know they will seldom answer you when you call. Calling back as soon as you leave a message is even rarer.
Unfortunately, you are one of the hundreds of files they handle and if you are not represented you pose no threat to them. So why bother to get back to you? If you hire me, I’ll file a claim for benefits for the things you need and which you need to respond to by law. Otherwise, they will face penalties and fees.
Plus, I can force the most persistent adjuster to show up before me and get them to answer my questions by setting their deposit and having them testify under oath.
2. Make the right medical decisions.
Most of the doctors that the workers’ compensation insurance companies send you to are never on your side and do their best to keep the insurance companies happy by getting you back to work as soon as possible.
If I represent you often, I have to enable you to change doctors to a better person, or sometimes even send you to a doctor I have chosen for you for a third opinion.
3. Get the right amount of money
If employee compensation pays you, they pay you two-thirds of what you were doing before the accident. But sometimes the hirer doesn’t calculate your wages properly because you have a second job that they didn’t know about. Or maybe they didn’t take into account any bonuses or commissions that you would receive.
As an attorney, I make sure my clients are getting the correct amount of money they are entitled to based on an accurate representation of their earnings prior to the breach.
4. Resolution of your case
At some point towards the end of your treatment or shortly after the doctor has released you, you may have the option to settle your case with a lump sum, which will end your right to future medical care. But how much do you know how to ask for?
After practicing for nearly thirty years, I know how much your case is worth because I’ve seen what many people with similar injuries have got in the past. I look at what future medical care you will need, sometimes even meetings with your doctor, and see how much your treatment is worth for the rest of your life.
I will then negotiate with the adjuster or their attorney to get the best possible money for your billing. I received $ 1.85 million for a particularly injured client who had a lifetime of medication and treatment.
5. Go to the judge
There will be times when it is impossible to get what you want in workers’ compensation without being asked by the compensation claim judge to do it. Sometimes cases are rejected in their entirety and they refuse to pay any benefits in full.
You need an experienced workers advocate like me who is not afraid to come up with your case in front of the judge and get the benefits you need. I recently had a client who fell off the roof and the general contractor refused to admit he was their employee. I went on this case and the judge found that they were responsible for treating his injuries.
Two locations
Adam Baron’s law offices are located in Coral Springs at 3111 N. University Drive across from The Walk and have been serving injured workers for nearly 30 years. I also have a second office in North Miami Beach. Our staff also speak Creole and Spanish.
If you hire me to represent you on your case, this difficult time will only be easier for you. Please give me a call about your specific case 305-770-2131.
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