I was Hit by a Car While Riding My Bicycle: Who will Pay My Medical Bills?

If you have been hit by a car and injured while driving, it is your priority to see a doctor as soon as possible. Although some injuries appear to be minor, symptoms of internal damage and traumatic brain injuries can sometimes occur hours or even days after an accident. When you see a doctor, your injuries will be recorded. This is a critical step in getting compensation for your medical care.

After seeing a doctor, it is important to speak to a doctor Bicycle Accident Lawyer Who can guide you through the process of obtaining monetary damages for your injuries.

Like most other states in the United States, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania have no-fault laws that require people injured in car accidents to file medical claims with their auto insurance companies, regardless of who caused the accident. Policies with no bugs are known as Personal Injury Protection (PIP) plansthat drivers must take out under their own auto insurance. To what extent PIP plans cover your hospital and medical expenses varies depending on the stateand may also depend on the specific car insurance you or the driver who met you bought.

In addition to applying for PIP coverage for your medical expenses, you may be eligible for a Pain and Ailment Claims that will allow you to receive compensation for your injuries beyond the limits of your PIP medical benefits.

Here are some key facts to keep in mind medical compensation through no fault of one’s own in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania:

Medical laws with no flaw in New York

According to New York lawIf a bicycle accident involves a car, bus, or truck, the driver’s car insurance is responsible for all PIP claims, including those of the cyclist. This applies regardless of who is to blame for the accident.

If the driver of the vehicle that hit your bike is not insured or is in an emergency, you should submit your no-fault claim to your own car insurance. If you do not have car insurance, you may still be entitled to coverage through the through no fault of your own Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (MVAIC).

New York PIP plans pay up to $ 50,000 per person for medical expenses, lost earnings and other expenses related to the accident. However, PIP claims must be submitted to Motor Vehicle Driver Insurance within 30 days of the accident. Otherwise the claim can be denied.

New Jersey

Under New Jersey lawIf a cyclist injured in a car accident has auto insurance, the cyclist must file all PIP claims with their own auto insurer. If you don’t have your own auto insurance, you may be able to get PIP coverage from auto insurance for a close family member who lives in the same household. If no one in your home has auto insurance, you should contact your health insurance company to cover the cost of medical treatment. If none of these options are available, Injured cyclists may be eligible for PIP coverage from the New Jersey Property-Liability Insurance Guarantee Association.

PIP plans in New Jersey May provide coverage of as little as $ 15,000 or up to $ 250,000 per person for medical expenses resulting from an accident. PIP claims must be submitted within two years of the accident.


Under Pennsylvania lawIf a cyclist injured in a car accident has auto insurance, the cyclist must file all PIP claims with their own auto insurer. If you don’t have your own auto insurance, you may be able to get PIP coverage from auto insurance for a close family member who lives in the same household. If no one in your home has auto insurance, you can file your PIP claims with the driver’s auto insurance. If none of these options are available to you, injured cyclists may be eligible for PIP coverage from the Pennsylvania Financial Responsibility Assigned Claims Plan (PFRACP).

Pennsylvania requires at least $ 5,000 PIP coverage. Although PIP claims can be made up to four years after the accident, health insurance claims must be submitted within one year of the accident. Because of this, it is important to access and deplete the PIP coverage within the first year after the accident.

Navigating your PIP coverage after an accident can be confusing, and it should be Contact an experienced lawyer to learn more about your rights. If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, you need an attorney to help cover your medical expenses and get you the pain and suffering compensation you deserve.