1-800-Hurt-123 Attorney Big Al & Bubba Help Pay Your Bills
1-800-Hurt-123 Attorney Big Al & Bubba Help You Pay Your Bills!
Has the pandemic put you in a difficult position? Are you burdened with financial burdens? Or are you just looking for some extra cash to have fun with your family after you open the last bill of the month?
To qualify for a $ 100 Visa gift card try, wait for the call from the Bubba Show at around 8:55 a.m. each weekday while we speak to Attorney Big Al and receive gift cards $ 1,000 in PAY OFF is giving away YOUR BILLS!
This contest is presented by 1-800-Hurt-123 / Attorney Big Al. As a personal injury company, Big Al is dedicated to handling a wide variety of cases including automobile accidents, hazardous workplaces, slip and fall accidents, unsafe premises, civil rights violations, and more. If you or a loved one has suffered grievous bodily harm, contact Big Al today.
Competition dates:
November 30, 2020 at 5:00 a.m. ET through December 11, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. ET
For the on-air competition, “1-800-Hurt-123-Attorney Big Al & Bubba Help Pay Your Bills”, listen on weekdays between 5:00 am and 10:00 am (November 30, 2020 to December 11, 2020) to cue-to-call. Every weekday, the station selects one (1) winner per day via call-in and, after verification, wins one (1) VISA gift card worth 100 USD. A total of ten (10) prizes will be offered during this contest, awarded by 1-800-Hurt-123, Attorney Big Al. Total price value 100.00 USD. Otherwise the general competition rules of WBZZ-FM apply and can be found HERE.
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